Monday, November 26, 2018

Dear Diary... Still trying to get my shit together. Oh, and it's also time for NaNoWriMo!!!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Dear Diary:

Well, I'll try something here. I'm calling these "Dear Diary" posts (at least, for now) because I'm sort of in a ruminative mood but also working on other stuff in the house. So, I'm

Wednesday, November 2

Well, I must've had a burning desire to write something down on October 23.

Dear Diary:

Well, I'll try something here. I'm calling these "Dear Diary" posts (at least, for now) because I'm sort of in a ruminative mood but also working on other stuff in the house. So, I'm

I got interrupted  (distracted? bored?) in mid-sentence and I never went back to it. Although, at two words it really wasn't much of a mid-sentence. So, I'm not sure what I was going to saying in that sentence.
Kind of sums up my blogging output: iffy content and incomplete.

But, that's not why I'm here now.

My original intention was to sort of think out loud as I was doing chores in the house. Little drive-bys at the computer keyboard as I tried to be productive around the house. Well, that didn't quite work out, but I'm sure that impulse will come up again. So, moving on...

Since October 23, Time and Life continued to move along.
On my film blog I tried to do this thing I called the October/Halloween CRAM-A-THON. The goal was to watch 31 "Halloween" movies during October. The initial impulse was to watch horror films, but then some other genres snuck in there (a pair of Marvel superhero films), so I opened it up to more genre-y fare but not necessarily horror. Anyway, I wasn't completely successful, but I did see a lucky 13 films, which wasn't bad. If I kept up that pace of movie-watching through the year, I'd be at 130 films (instead of at 69 films, so far). So, okay. Not successful, but an improvement. Similar to my usual mantra, "Better late than never" and "I'll take what I can get." Um, and "Completion not perfection" is in there, too.
I was also hoping to write some more blog posts (namely movie reviews) for the CRAM-A-THON but that didn't happen at all. But, that's okay, because it's November. Time for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)! So, I'm going to subvert the initial intentions of the early 30 day challenge to write the first draft of a 50,000 word (at least) novel and just focus on trying to increase my blog post output (by a coincidental minimum 50,000 words).
Most of those blog results will be at my film blog, especially with this year's Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film Festival starting in just 2 days (Friday, November 4).

But, I’m getting ahead of myself.

January 1, 2017

...Or not.
But, I digress.
So, yeah, as I mentioned above my so-called CRAM-A-THON only achieved modest success in that I actually saw some movies, just not 31 of them. Instead, I was dyslexic and managed 13.
However, though that battle was lost, the year-long war was more successful.

November 23, 2018  12:52 am

Well, here we are, almost two years later.
52 minutes ago was Thanksgiving Day, just to give you some sense of where we are in time, if not space.
I've only recently started looking at old, unfinished blog posts and seeing what I can finally wrap up in an attempt to:
- Finish something;
- Get back to working on my 2018 New Year Resolution to write 50,000 words of blog posts over the course of the year.
- Uh, that's about it.

Anyway, it's both interesting and constructive re-reading these post fragments. Some of these pseudo-posts are so impulsive that when I re-read them their subject matter is somewhat alien to me. I mean, yes, I actually wrote these things, but some things don't ring a bell. I'm, like, really, I wrote this? I thought this? For instance, in this very post, above I talk about my usual mantra, "Better late than never." Yes, I say that a lot and that really is my mantra, especially when it comes to creating something/anything for a deadline. But, in the same sentence I also add, "I'll take what I can get" and also add, "completion not perfection." Both of those are additional pseudo-mantras I made up while writing in the moment, but I don't really say either of those things to myself or even feel that way.
Especially, "I'll take what I can get." That really means nothing to me. It sort of sounds similar to "Things can always be worse," at least, in terms of the spirit of it, although "things can always be worse" sounds more like a constructive, positive approach to Life, while "I'll take what I can get" sounds more desperate to my ear; although, I can also see how it can be used in the same constructive, positive spin as the other saying. Anyway, more to the point, "I'll take what I can get" is not something I really say or embrace at this moment. I don't know what I was on when I said that above.
However, in hindsight (and conjecturing out of my ass), "completion not perfection" sounds like a spontaneous pep-talky aphorism I spewed out. It's not a bad principle to follow while striving towards the goal of finishing projects and following through on various impulsive objectives I have. But, so far, I haven't really followed through enough on things to actually try and use this mantra regularly, so it's still an abstract idea to me, if that makes any sense. But, having said that, maybe I should try to adopt that as an active approach to following through on ideas, projects, and general Life objectives.

And maybe I will, goddammit.

Sorry, it's the holidays and that's adding stress, i.e. I'm swearing more, motherfucker!
It's also getting near the end of the year and all my resolutions are starting to re-surface, goals I've optimistically set to accomplish in 2018 that I soon forgot about, or more to the point, I didn't then attempt to come up with a strategy/strategies to accomplish those goals. So, my frustration at seeing yet another unsuccessful year at accomplishing my list of recycled New Year's objectives is bubbling up as well.
BUT... I ain't dead yet. And the year ain't over.

There is another saying I sometimes use, especially when I feel overwhelmed about accomplishing something that seems to have too many components to it: ""One day at a time."
I don't know if that saying has a biblical origin or not, or if it's origins are primarily from 12-step programs (I'm pretty sure it's one foundational saying from Alcoholics Anonymous (or any other addiction recovery program) as members attempt to stay sober and work their way through each day to avoid drinking alcohol and remain clean. Although, in this case, I'm not trying to give up a destructive habit so much as trying to establish a constructive habit. And more specifically here, that constructive habit is trying to post more often in my three blogs. 

Okay, bla bla bla.

Let me try to wrap up here and actually focus on what I think may have been the original subject of this particular post when I started writing it over 2 years ago...

November 26,  6:28 pm

Well, Thanksgiving not only signals the arrival of the shopping season, but also the holidays in general as we prepare for Christmas and then New Year's Eve. So, for me, it's kind of awakening my usual panic or despondency about how little progress I've made with my list of New Year's Resolutions/Goals for the Year.
So, with 35 days left to 2018, let me re-commit to, at least, trying to achieve some of my goals for the year.

1. Watch 100 movies.
2. Write a blog post a month for each of my three blogs (i.e. 12 new posts each).
3. Finally do my comic book story for the Apple Corps Comic. In my original game plan which I mapped out at the beginning of the year (more or less), I felt a reasonable goal was to accomplish writing, penciling and inking my 12 page story for the comic by the end of January 2019. So, I'm going to see how much I can achieve of this still.
4. Create a product to sell on Society6.
5. Get our old house on the market.

So, we'll see how that works out. be continued

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