Sunday, January 24, 2021


Sunday, January 24, 10:26 am

I don't often seem to dream (or at least, not that I remember), probably because I have such terrible, terrible sleep habits.
But one of the few positive things about 2020 was a long stretch where I only worked 24 hours a week, so I was sleeping in more often and I did seem to dream more then usual. Although, sometimes I'd only vaguely remember the act of dreaming and not any of the actual dream, which was sad because I always enjoy these mysterious nocturnal adventures.

Anyway, earlier this week I had a pretty interesting dream. Of course, elements of it made no sense logically...
It was a summer day and I went into a bank to do some transaction. The next thing I know, I'm walking back from the bank teller and going to a waiting area where there are other customers sitting around waiting. I didn't do what I went in for and I don't remember any actual conversation with a teller. After a few seconds of waiting, I hear this commotion and turn around and this young guy, casually dressed, walks into the lobby area from inside the bank and he has a gun. He's also on his cellphone and he looks stressed and pissed.
"Where are you?! You're supposed to be here by now!"
He continues his conversation with his apparent accomplice, distracted from the apparent bank robbery they both were supposed to carry out. As he barks further into his phone, I notice there's a large tray (about 2'x3') sitting on a central table and it's filled with taco fixings: with rows of hard shells, lettuce, beef, tomatoes, salsa, etc. And, I realized part of the robber's scheme was to enter the bank as some food delivery dude.
As I'm focused on the food, the would-be bank robber finally gives up on his conversation with his would-be partner and simply storms off out of the bank with no explanation.
After a moment of consideration (not a long moment), I immediately make a taco.
Then I exit the bank, taco in hand and my mouth full, and my wife is standing on the sidewalk waiting for me and she looks at me, confused. I helpfully explain: "There was an attempted bank robbery and the guy brought tacos!"

I don't remember actually carrying out the transaction I originally went in there for.

Originally posted on my Facebook page, 1/24/21

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