Monday, March 24, 2008


This isn't much of a post, but it pertains to writing, which has turned out to be one of the subjects I ramble on about on this blog.
One of the blogs I occasionally check out, The Groovy Age of Horror, is written by a dude who's writing a novel. Well, the "fourth draft" of that novel can be read here.

Someone asked him in the comments to the above site if he didn't think posting a draft of his unpublished novel would be counter-productive to his efforts to getting it published.
To the contrary, he cites this writer's success with doing something similar.

Something to think about, and when I say "something to think about," I mean, some info to inspire me to get to writing again.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

What the--?

Well, okay.
This really isn't much of a post at all. But I can't believe the last time I wrote anything here was back in November! Cripes!
Anyways, I bought a new pair of glasses yesterday.
And I shoveled this morning. Oh, yeah, LOTS of snow, less than a week after almost everything was melted away and we had 60+ degree temperatures…

But that’s all for now.

But I’ll be back and sooner than in four months, I promise!