Thursday, November 29, 2007

This year’s NaNoWriMo is almost over (79/33)

This year’s online writing challenge, courtesy of National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo) is almost over. It officially ends at midnight, Friday (November 30).

For those not in the know, NaNoWriMo has been annually challenging/inspiring authors and would-be authors to sit down and write a novel in only 30 days (throughout the month of November). You have to write 50,000 words, which breaks down to 1,667 words a day.
This is like the fourth year, I think, that my wife has participated and has successfully completed the challenge. She crossed the threshold of 50,000 on Sunday.
As of Monday night, she was at 51,219 words.
However, the actual story she's working on is still incomplete, so she still has some work to do, roughly 20,000 more words by her estimate.
Her first attempt at NaNoWriMo was her largest output: over 200,000 words! Gulp!

I had hoped to participate in some way as well; in spirit, at least. Specifically, just to do some writing, if not attempt 50,000 words.
None of those plans came to fruition.
My script SEPARATION ANXIETY, which I started as part of the online challenge Script Frenzy, which occurred earlier this year in June, is still waiting for me to finish it.
And so is my attempt at writing a short story of a chapter of my prose effort, the Femme Ferines (which, perhaps should be the Femmes Ferine, to be more properly French, according to my wife, but I don’t know if I care about Gallic grammar here, to be honest: I like the way “Femme Ferines” sounds, kind of mimicking Marines, in a way).

But, whatever, because I didn’t do anything to advance the cause of finishing the writing of either project.

I guess I’ll be shooting for completion of some New Year’s Resolutions, then.
Hopefully, more to come…

Project 365: first entry / previous entry

Limping along here… (78/33)

Oh, dear.
Things are just not progressing as I had hoped.
Oh, well.

Well, I didn’t weigh myself on Monday, but I did finally get around to heaving my big-ass butt-ass up on the scale yesterday.
165.5 lbs.

So, more or less, I lost half a pound this week.
Er, I mean... that's better than nothing, right?

Although, considering how much grazing I’ve been doing the last few days on the contents of the vending machine at work, I should be glad I don’t weigh more than what I did so many months ago when I started this meandering journey…

Project 365: first entry / previous entry / next entry

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving! or My Weight Loss Update! (77/40)

Yeah, I thought the timing of this post was funny, I mean, it being the national day of eating excess and everything.

Well, the last time I focused on my diet, etc. in a post, was some time ago.
At that time, I thought I'd try to get myself back on track since I was wavering at best in my diligence and focus to healthy eating, perhaps even get into the habit of logging in what I eat every day, something I gave up very early on during my weight loss adventure.

After a single day of trying to keep track, I sort of loss steam again. It turns out I eat a number of things that seem to have no calorie information: specifically, these so-called "monster subs" from the 7-11 nearby where I work.
They're cold cut subs and have no condiments on them.
They also don't explain (beyond ingredient content), how many calories there are, what the fat content is, fiber what-sis, etc.
So, being totally undisciplined, that easily deflated my efforts at food intake documentation.
Which is a lame excuse, but I'm not denying that. because, what I can do to compensate is come up with a guesstimate of what the points are for such an item. Then, since I eat those subs regularly enough, I can just enter it as a favorite food on my site at Weightwatchers online. So, really, I'm just being lazy.

So, in the meantime, my desire to lose weight and to be disciplined about making wise choices regarding what I eat has been non-existent.

Which explains my increased weight readings lately.

Two weeks ago, I gained after after three weeks of losing weight.
I jumped from 161.0 to 164.5 lbs! A difference of 3.5 lbs-- in the WRONG direction!
Which probably explains why I didn't even check my weight the following week.
This week, I added another 1.5 lbs: 166.
So, I'm only 6, 6.5 lbs away from getting back to where I started.
Well, I'm not really throwing in the towel yet, but boy, I really need to get on track.

Um... after today.

Meanwhile, today being Thanksgiving, I hope everybody has a good holiday. Hopefully a holiday spent with the family and relatives will be limited in its stress, and I also hope you have a safe journey if traveling is in your plans.
Also, I hope (jeez, I'm just a hopeful suck, ain't I?) that you do have a chance to sit down, sit back, relax and reflect, even for a couple minutes, and take stock of what blessings you do have.
And if some of those blessings happen to be living people in your life, take a minute to let them know. You'll both be glad you did.

And as we enter the holiday shopping season, which I think actually began on the Fourth of July this year: "Vaya con Dios!"

Peace, man.


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Trying to get something accomplished today… Part 2 (76/48)


Well, took care of some utility bill junk via the phone.
Washed the dishes.
Ate some food, specifically focusing on stuff that’s getting old or has been lying around awhile: some Indian restaurant leftovers (gone!), a frozen pizza (gone!), a banana (three left!), and had some orange juice (working on a gallon jug).
Also did two loads of laundry (so far), drying one load now. Hopefully I’ll fold that first load before I go to the meeting.

While eating baingan-bartha, and some alu paratha and panak paneer, I was channel surfing.
Caught one of those brief actor’s tributes on TMC (only a couple minutes long); usually, a current actor offers their thoughts about an earlier actor and we see clips and photos of the “tributee” (okay, I don’t know if that’s actually a word, but I know tributary’s right out!).
I missed the beginning of this one, but I could see the tribute was for Barbara Stanwyck.
I haven’t seen a lot of her movies, but I’ve liked her a lot in what I have checked out: THE LADY EVE, BALL OF FIRE, MEET JOHN DOE, and DOUBLE INDEMNITY. Jeez, is that all?
I suck.
An actress was narrating the tribute and by the time it was done, I had correctly guessed who the voice belonged to (you never see the actor offering the tribute, it's always a voice-over to the images; unless, of course, the narrator happens to be in one of the clips or photos that are being shown): it was Jennifer Jason Leigh whose work I also like, but I’ve only seen some of her films as well.
I was impressed by Leigh's articulate thoughts. Not that I ever thought Leigh was stupid, but her thoughtful word-choice still surprised me. Her serious, respectful tone wasn’t expected, either, but that didn’t surprise me.
The tribute made me want to check out all the Barbara Stanwyck films I had already seen and, of course, check out many others I had not.
The same with Leigh’s body of work, including the last Final Girl Film Club selection which I missed: EYES OF A STRANGER.

Oh… crud!
I gotta get my butt moving if I’m gonna get to the meeting in time!

Project 365: first entry / previous entry

Trying to get something accomplished today… Part 1 (75/48)

Well, it’s Wednesday and I have the day off.
Days off always seem to be a mind-f**k for me, to put it bluntly. I always think I have much more time available to me than I actually do. So, I always start off with grandiose plans of accomplishing all this crap and ultimately, I do very little or nothing. My brain seems to freak out at the amount of things I have to do when I get around to debating what I’m actually going to do, or what I’m going to do first of the things I want to do, and being by nature, indecisive and impulsive, I usually don’t prioritize what I need to do and impulsively start something I eventually don’t finish, so I wind up with arguably nothing done.
Boy, doesn’t that sound pathetic?
Well, it does because it is.

My wife once called me “pathologically disorganized,” unfairly, I thought, at the time.
However, even though I felt that the circumstances that triggered her outburst didn’t justify her assessment of those circumstances, the phrase now haunts me because I think it was something she’s articulated to herself about me prior to that incident, and it just spilled out prematurely, so to speak. As a description in general about myself, it actually hits the nail right on the head.

I also have this idea of the Devil sometimes… that he isn’t just a figure who tempts people into doing wrong, but is also quite content in amusing himself by watching people waste their entire lives through their ineffectual efforts at living. Particularly amusing are the individuals who have all these plans for what they’re going to do, yet somehow, years pass by and nothing happens.
That’s me, too, I think.

Alright, I’m whining.


So, in an effort to kill perhaps more than one bird with one stone, I’m going to do a multiple part post today to chronicle(ish) my efforts to accomplish something today.
I have a handful of domestic chores, some personal projects I’d like to work on, and also an Apple Corps meeting late this afternoon (one of my personal projects was to work on/finish up this drawing I started last week).
One casualty of trying to prioritize: I was hoping to see a movie at the theater today, one of the 8 FILMS 2 DIE 4 horror festival. I’m going to have to can those plans for today. NUTS!
Maybe tomorrow, but I don’t think any of the films I was planning to see are playing tomorrow. NUTS AND CRAP!

Well, one more reason to check out another of LAST year’s 8 FILMS etc. on DVD, since I’ve only seen one, GRAVEDANCERS, and just recently, at that.
Crud, I have to get a review out on that, too.

I’ll be back.

Project 365: first entry / previous entry

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Night of the Fat Ass (70/54)

Well, this is gonna be really quick.
Monday was my weigh-in and I clocked in at 164.5 lbs., meaning I gained 3.5 lbs. last week!
I don't understand! I've been eating everything in sight! Oh, and hardly exercising, too!
It's so unfair!

Well, apparently, I've decided to be a blob.

That's not actually true.
I haven't made a decision either way, so I'm just not changing old habits.
Also, last week was 1) me dealing with a cold and 2) Halloween (AKA hey, look! There's candy EVERYWHERE!).
So, circumstances were slightly against me, so I'm not throwing in the towel, yet.
Plus, with the cold weather setting in, I can't count on sweating it off at work anymore.

So, we'll see from now until the end of the year, how serious I am about wanting to get down to 140.
Also, the Doc is within 10 lbs. or so of my weight, having lost 92.5 lbs. since January. She's actually very close to the weight she was when she first joined Weight Watchers a couple years ago and then gave up when she hit a plateau and couldn't reach her target weight. But, she's definitely on track to lose 100 by the end of the year.

Perhaps shame will kick me in the ass..?

Okay, gotta go eat another burrito.
I mean, go take a nap before work!


Project 365: first entry / previous entry / next entry