Thursday, November 08, 2007

Night of the Fat Ass (70/54)

Well, this is gonna be really quick.
Monday was my weigh-in and I clocked in at 164.5 lbs., meaning I gained 3.5 lbs. last week!
I don't understand! I've been eating everything in sight! Oh, and hardly exercising, too!
It's so unfair!

Well, apparently, I've decided to be a blob.

That's not actually true.
I haven't made a decision either way, so I'm just not changing old habits.
Also, last week was 1) me dealing with a cold and 2) Halloween (AKA hey, look! There's candy EVERYWHERE!).
So, circumstances were slightly against me, so I'm not throwing in the towel, yet.
Plus, with the cold weather setting in, I can't count on sweating it off at work anymore.

So, we'll see from now until the end of the year, how serious I am about wanting to get down to 140.
Also, the Doc is within 10 lbs. or so of my weight, having lost 92.5 lbs. since January. She's actually very close to the weight she was when she first joined Weight Watchers a couple years ago and then gave up when she hit a plateau and couldn't reach her target weight. But, she's definitely on track to lose 100 by the end of the year.

Perhaps shame will kick me in the ass..?

Okay, gotta go eat another burrito.
I mean, go take a nap before work!


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