Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Trying to get something accomplished today… Part 2 (76/48)


Well, took care of some utility bill junk via the phone.
Washed the dishes.
Ate some food, specifically focusing on stuff that’s getting old or has been lying around awhile: some Indian restaurant leftovers (gone!), a frozen pizza (gone!), a banana (three left!), and had some orange juice (working on a gallon jug).
Also did two loads of laundry (so far), drying one load now. Hopefully I’ll fold that first load before I go to the meeting.

While eating baingan-bartha, and some alu paratha and panak paneer, I was channel surfing.
Caught one of those brief actor’s tributes on TMC (only a couple minutes long); usually, a current actor offers their thoughts about an earlier actor and we see clips and photos of the “tributee” (okay, I don’t know if that’s actually a word, but I know tributary’s right out!).
I missed the beginning of this one, but I could see the tribute was for Barbara Stanwyck.
I haven’t seen a lot of her movies, but I’ve liked her a lot in what I have checked out: THE LADY EVE, BALL OF FIRE, MEET JOHN DOE, and DOUBLE INDEMNITY. Jeez, is that all?
I suck.
An actress was narrating the tribute and by the time it was done, I had correctly guessed who the voice belonged to (you never see the actor offering the tribute, it's always a voice-over to the images; unless, of course, the narrator happens to be in one of the clips or photos that are being shown): it was Jennifer Jason Leigh whose work I also like, but I’ve only seen some of her films as well.
I was impressed by Leigh's articulate thoughts. Not that I ever thought Leigh was stupid, but her thoughtful word-choice still surprised me. Her serious, respectful tone wasn’t expected, either, but that didn’t surprise me.
The tribute made me want to check out all the Barbara Stanwyck films I had already seen and, of course, check out many others I had not.
The same with Leigh’s body of work, including the last Final Girl Film Club selection which I missed: EYES OF A STRANGER.

Oh… crud!
I gotta get my butt moving if I’m gonna get to the meeting in time!

Project 365: first entry / previous entry

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