Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I suck.

I say that a lot, for a variety of reasons.
I've been meaning to do a sporadic series of blogs focused on why I suck. Or, the I SUCK series.

Let's inaugurate it today, spontaneously, off-the-cuffly, because another reason why I suck is i have all sorts of ideas but never freaking follow up on ANY of them...

WHY I SUCK: part 1.

Oh, there are so many reasons why I feel I'm lacking as a person, and to be honest, they're all pretty trivial. But that won't stop me from obsessing about them.
One of the major reasons I exude suckage is my lack of drawing.
I have some actual drawing talent, but I REALLY lack sitting down and drawing discipline, so I SUCK because I'm squandering a real talent. This is not news to me or others who know me.

A guy I know locally, Joel, is an illustrator who designs a number of posters for local bands.
These posters are terrific.
Check 'em out:

Joel can also be seen on Myspace. Recently, he's returned to his site and started posting his sketches and drawings again after a lengthy hiatus. Yaaaay! I love looking at his work.
A friend of Joel's and myself is Jim, who's sometimes referred to in each of our blogs. Jim is also an artist, but he uses a lot of photoshop or some damn software, so I'm not as directly inspired because I know crap about that using that stuff. I'm just a pencil and ink dude. hence my Joel envy and admiration.
Anyways here's Joel's Myspace site:

And here's Jim's website:

So, anyways, with Joel spewing out magnificent sketches and drawings again (the F'n' F!), it seems almost disgusting for me to merely spectate and salivate. I need to join the fray.
I need to get off my cowardly perfectionist ass and draw stuff and post it myself.

Let's see what happens, huh?

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Welcome, welcome!

Well, this poor, lonely site has been lying unfulfilled a little too long. So, let the champagne bottle smashing commence!

Actually, I have no idea what I want to do with this site. but, I think that's part of the vague purpose I have for it, as an outlet for some thinking, an opportunity to contemplate subjects I normally don't allow myself time to .

I have two other blogs, one on Myspace (comic books) and one at Livejournal (movies).
I'd like to consider myself an artist, but I think I haven't produced enough art to have legitimately achieved that status. So, instead, I'm currently a creative individual with alot of unexplored potential.
That is a large part of myself, this creative aspect. I'm forever coming up with ideas for projects, but I never seem to properly apply myself to the execution of those projects.
Unfortunately, I'm now of an age where that fact is becoming a large, and perhaps growing, amount of psychological baggage. I guess the good thing going for me is that we are of a generation that's seeing a longer life expectancy (hell, my dad's survived eight decades so far, and he's not really taking care of himself... he's just freaking durable! So, perhaps I, too, have those, "in spite of myself" extended mortality genes), so I may still salvage some sort of artistic career before I leave this mortal coil, by God!

Actually, there is another aspect of myself that is not creative, that is, I used to think there was, and that is spirituality. I used to consider myself a spiritual person. I'm not sure if I am now. Or perhaps, like my artistic talents, I have spiritual talents, but they, too, are going unrealized.

The hope is that this blog may prove to be a small toehold into a way back into expressing that spirituality again, or living it more in my life. Whatever that means.

Alright, that's it for now. Not quite the dramatic cannon shot across the bow, but something, the heck!