Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I suck.

I say that a lot, for a variety of reasons.
I've been meaning to do a sporadic series of blogs focused on why I suck. Or, the I SUCK series.

Let's inaugurate it today, spontaneously, off-the-cuffly, because another reason why I suck is i have all sorts of ideas but never freaking follow up on ANY of them...

WHY I SUCK: part 1.

Oh, there are so many reasons why I feel I'm lacking as a person, and to be honest, they're all pretty trivial. But that won't stop me from obsessing about them.
One of the major reasons I exude suckage is my lack of drawing.
I have some actual drawing talent, but I REALLY lack sitting down and drawing discipline, so I SUCK because I'm squandering a real talent. This is not news to me or others who know me.

A guy I know locally, Joel, is an illustrator who designs a number of posters for local bands.
These posters are terrific.
Check 'em out:

Joel can also be seen on Myspace. Recently, he's returned to his site and started posting his sketches and drawings again after a lengthy hiatus. Yaaaay! I love looking at his work.
A friend of Joel's and myself is Jim, who's sometimes referred to in each of our blogs. Jim is also an artist, but he uses a lot of photoshop or some damn software, so I'm not as directly inspired because I know crap about that using that stuff. I'm just a pencil and ink dude. hence my Joel envy and admiration.
Anyways here's Joel's Myspace site:

And here's Jim's website:

So, anyways, with Joel spewing out magnificent sketches and drawings again (the F'n' F!), it seems almost disgusting for me to merely spectate and salivate. I need to join the fray.
I need to get off my cowardly perfectionist ass and draw stuff and post it myself.

Let's see what happens, huh?