Monday, April 14, 2008

Hoo hah! Or: A journey of a thousand miles begins with 1(.5) step(s), and that means YOU, fat ass!

Well, hopefully this will be an indicator of good things to come:
at today's weigh-in (in my bathroom) I was 168.5!
So, I lost 1.5 lbs. this week!
Yay, me!

Meanwhile, I actually ate two apples in one day yesterday. It's astonishing that I even ate one.
With Dr. Sugar Lips' able assistance, I dug up some dietary information off WebMD and learned that apples are pretty good in combating cholesterol as well.
We also went shopping yesterday and we bought ridiculous amounts of cereal. Although, the responsibility for oat, bran and miscellaneous fiber cravings are split between my wife and myself. I will say, I was originally content to just eat Cheerios for the rest of my life, but I guess I'm getting more "reckless" in my old age and trying new foods: I bought some Quaker Oats Oatmeal cereal.
I'm not at all thrilled about oatmeal, but perhaps in cereal form I'll embrace it more.
TRIVIA(L) NOTE: I don't like coffee, either. Although, I generally make it for my wife in the morning. But, I do like coffee ice cream.

I was depressed to learn that the difference between beef and chicken wasn't very much, at least, for my current needs. I've been eating primarily chicken for years, figuring it was healthier than beef. That, or turkey substitutes, but mostly I focus on chicken.
Well, this one article on dietary suggestions pretty much didn't draw any distinctions between cattle or poultry.
But it highly recommends tofu.

So, it looks like I'll be going more vegetarian as the days and weeks progress.

But, the biggest challenge for me is NOT eating certain items (like, snacking at work from the vending machine, as a for instance) AND increasing my vegetable and fruit intake.

Gah. Particularly to the latter. Although, during my overnight shifts, the former will muy gah, as well.

But, for now, I bask in my -1.5 lb glory!!

More to come.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dear Diary: Huh, I thought it was going to be the diabetes...

A real quick post here.

I actually have to get my ass moving and off to the mechanic to get my wife's passenger side door fixed. The window no longer works and our solution of lots of duct tape keeping the damn thing closed just seems, well, lame.

Meanwhile, last week I had my physical and it turns out my cholesterol is 390, which I guess is pretty high. I'm like, oh, nothing about diabetes in the blood test?
My dad and several members of his side of the family have diabetes, and occasionally I wait for that hereditary shoe to drop.
So far, nothing indicated there... regarding that, at least.
But, my cholesterol levels, well, that's another story.

So, the Doctor's freaking out, more or less, and I'm now eating lots of Cheerios, which I'm told is some sort of cholsterol scrubber. Curiously, it occurs to me now, this nutritional fact was pointed out to me by my wife and her mother, but not my nurse practioner who did my physical.
The NP did go over dietary change stuff, though.

Also, I've been off Weight Watchers online for a couple months because I really wasn't doing anything with it, so I figured, save the money.
But with my wife now weighing significantly less than me (she's in the lower 150s), and also this cholesterol crap, I'm trying to psyche myself up to lose some more weight again. Besides, I never hit my target weight of 140 and my 30-year high school reunion is in three months (shut up!). The closest I got to my target weight was, like, 156 lbs.
Last Thursday, before we went out of town, I weighed myself and I was 170.5, merely 1.5 lbs below where I was when I originally joined WW last year (which was around this time of the year).
I weighed myself Monday (my former weigh-in day) and I was at 170.
So, half-assedly, I lost .5 lbs this week.

More to come.

Besides, my cereal's getting soggy.