Monday, October 29, 2007

Monday Weigh-In OR This is NOT the Diary of Grant Williams (64/64)

Man, all I wanna do is eat.
Um, be right back…

So, way back on March 19, when I started doing Weight Watchers Online. I had my first weigh-in. I was at the juicy weight of 172.0 lbs.
After an eye-opening first week of seeing how many points I consume non-chalantly, I started applying myself a bit more towards eating better, at least comparatively speaking.
But after some initial success, the last couple months, at best, I’ve had a serious lack of motivation.
All I seem to do is feed at the vending machines at work, and get something to eat from anywhere on the way home.
Most alarmingly (well, diet-wise), in the last couple weeks, I’ve returned to the Wendy’s drive-thru… and more than once.

Anyway, Mondays are my weigh-in days.
The last couple weeks I’ve actually lost weight each Monday trip to the scales, but part of that is because prior to I went on a real eating binge and ballooned up to 164.5 lbs. I had been down as low as 157.0 lbs on August 6, which was also the weigh-in before we started our two week vacation and I became a whore for anything seafood while on the New England and Maritime Province Road Trip. You know, the native living experience, man! So, understandably, my weight went up some after that date.
I was last under 160 lbs. on September 24, being just under at 159.5 lbs.
Since then, I’ve been on a steady climb up until I hit 163.5 a couple weeks ago.
So, I’ve been fitfully trying to get back on program.

Since I started back in March, for only a few weeks did I actually pay attention to points and keeping track of what I’ve been eating.
For the rest of the time, I’ve just been logging in my weigh-in totals every Monday.

So, now that I seem to be aimless in my weight-loss discipline, plus, since I no longer have a film shoot that I was trying to be skinny for, my new motivation is accumulating blog posts.
Yes, that damn impossible Project 365!
No way in hell am I gonna fulfill that goal of 365 posts by the end of 2007, but I’m curious to see how far I DO go.
Therefore, you’ll see updates on my Monday weigh-ins, and quite possibly, some info on what I’ve been eating as I try to document what crap I’ve been putting into my chubby carcass.
And, as a reminder, my ultimate goal is to get down to 140.0 lbs.

Anyways, today I weighed-in at 161.0 lbs.
I lost 1.0 lb since last week’s weigh-in.
My reward (uh, for merely weighing in, not so much for celebrating the loss of a pound): I feed!

Project 365: first entry / previous entry / next entry