Friday, December 31, 2021

Post 6

Post 5

An attempt at "Re-Branding"? Also, playing some blogging catch up...

Tuesday, November 1, 2022  12:33 pm

[NOTE: Originally I posted this in 2021, but I really didn't write anything in the actual post, so I'm trying to address that now. Sorry for the confusion.] 

I haven't really posted much on my blogs in any meaningful way, and I'm thinking perhaps I should do some overhauling of already posted material and also trying to apply myself more meaningfully in terms of creating new content. Ooh! I think there's some blogging/social media buzz words to terms I'm using there. But, that may be it. I think I pretty much overstayed my welcome in terms of seeming up-to-date social media-wise.
But seriously, since I have these blogs, I figured I should actually use it or otherwise maybe get rid of them. Or if not that, at least formerly stop using them, but I haven't gotten to that point yet.
As I mentioned in this post, October turned out to be disappointing creative output-wise, but I'm not going to not roll over and whine, but hopefully push myself to get going and use the these last couple months to have some kind of output for 2021.

In connection with that, besides trying to follow through on new projects, I'm also trying to see if i can clean up some old loose ends. This blog is one of those loose ends. I impulsively published some posts on the last day of 2021 in order to improve my post count for the year, with the intention of filling in the actual content to the posts later... but not eleven months later! However, since I seem to be operating under the philosophy of "Better late than never," I'll take what I can get and just try to plow ahead, the heck.

Regarding the idea of "re-branding", I think in order for that to have any sort of meaning for myself and specifically these blogs, I need to start posting some stuff (well, duh!), but I think I could also edit some of my earlier posts as well, like reviews and stuff. So, I think I need to do some overhauling. Arguably, it'll make this/these blogs (um, in case there's confusion as to what blogs I'm talking about, I'm referring to my main three: this one (A Rambling Wastrel, I); my film blog; and my art/comics blog) more reader friendly? Arguably..?

*growls quietly but critically*


Friday, April 15, 2022  10:55 am

[NOTE/DISCLAIMER: I originally published this post on the last day of 2021 in a desperate attempt to make my “statistics” look better, i.e. have more posts for the year. I was only at 2 posts for 2021 and I wanted to have at least six. So I simply added four more posts with titles but no actual content. Well, I’m finally getting around to writing something three and a half months into the year...]

As I write this, I’m staying at home trying to get better after I tested positive for Covid-19 on Wednesday, April 13. I mostly have cold/flu-like symptoms.
I’m. typing this from my iPad which. I don’t usually. Use. Except it seems. To keep dropping periods. Here and there... WTF!? I may have to leave. The comfort. Of this couch and work. At my computer down in the basement.

I’ll be. Back.

Sunday, June 12, 4:06 pm

Two months later, yet...

Yeah, I don't know what the hell was going on with my iPad back in April, but if I remember correctly, that whole issue of it dropping periods arbitrarily as I typed eventually got sorted out the same day. Maybe I shut-off and re-started my iPad to fix it? Whatever. It works now.
Anyway, I'm off today and trying to catch up on some household chores and then try to do some drawing if possible. We'll see how that goes.


Wednesday, December 23, 2020 1:57 am

1. 50,000 words and/or 6 posts per blog for the year.

1. Don't eat after midnight.
2. Try to sleep 5 hours a night.
3. Try to reach my daily step goal.
4. Lumosity every day.

1. Read a book a month.
2. Try to learn Spanish.
3. Learn more American history.
4. Try to volunteer for something.
5. Try my hand at writing essays.

1. Try to get down to 100 e-mails in my inbox by the end of January.

Creative goals:
1. Start my website.
2. Earn $100/month through my art.

Be better about keeping in touch with friends.