Sunday, February 25, 2007

Some sad, terrible news... and beyond (7/312)

A day that I’ve been dreading for the past several years (but doing very little in terms of preparation for) occurred on February 7, 2007.

My mom unexpectedly passed away.

The dread I speak of wasn’t because she was severely or terminally ill for a prolonged period of time. Although, my mom’s health did take a sudden turn for the worse more or less out of the blue on December 7, 2006 and for her it was all downhill from that day on. But my secret anxiety at the inevitable passing of one of my parents came simply from a few facts:
I’m an only child;
aside from my parents, all my blood kin live outside of North America;
and we all succumb to death at some point.

For the last several days I’ve been thinking of various posts I wanted to do relating to my mom in some way, but the most important, initial information of her dying was a stumbling block for me. So, I’m just blurting it out here and I apologize for that.
Understandably, this event has made an impact on me, and in true blogger fashion, I hope to share-- well, process is a better word-- that impact with the “world” via my puny posts.
Anyways, more to come.

Love and kisses,
Elly’s kid

Project 365: first / previous / next


Lilla Smutzig said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. It appears, though, that this experience has caused you to really feel, and to reflect on what is important to you, and that can only be a good thing. Best wishes.

Lilla Smutzig said...

Hi, I tried to post this yesterday but apparently failed. I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss and that I am glad it is making you reflect on what is and what has been important in your life, and in some ways helping you to express yourself. Best wishes.

cattleworks said...

Aw, thank you so much.
Sorry about the confusion with the publication of your comments. I switched to comment moderation after receiving a weird spam comment (I think) so I thought that might nip it in the bud.
But, I think I screwed up setting up Blogger to inform me there were comments in the first place TO moderate... I didn't check a box or something.
So I didn't realize until just now that you left a couple comments. Oops AND duh.

Yeah... I'm hanging in there.
And everybody's moral support and well wishes has helped a ton and has been extremely appreciated, so thank you very much again.
Ya cat-faced kook, you.

Anonymous said...
