Saturday, June 20, 2009

Well... howdy!

Man... it's been awhile, hasn't it?

Well, trying my best to re-group here.
I seem to have a lot of ideas about various projects and how to follow through on them, but the jump from idea to action seems to be the problem! Heh heh! (he heh-ed nervously).

Right now, I'm just posting something to show I'm still alive and interested in maintaining this blog.
I haven't posted anything new on my various blogs and journals in at least sveeral months.
I also haven't done anything new creatively.
There's a single drawing I started some months ago that I've been working on fitfully, a "practice" portrait of Jheena the Jungle Fury, a masked wrestler comic book character I've been trying to develop. Part of these attempts at development is trying to standardize my ways of drawing her.
But, I can't seem to draw her definitively, yet.
Beyond the very first drawing I did of her that I simply whipped out at a work years ago (maybe seven years ago? Jeez...), since then, I've tried re-drawing her in various states of action or just a staid pose for reference purposes and I never seem pleased with my results 100%.

But in the last year, I've come to know some local dudes, a writer (Tom Waters) and a cartoonist/aspiring comics mogul (Kyle Kaczmarczyk of Zombie Ink Comics). Both are fairly prolific and that's been kind of prodding me to get off the pot or shit, so to speak, drawing/writing-wise.
And MOST recently, like, this month, I 've discovered the newly self-published (mini)comics of Josh Tonn, another local cartoonist (who I haven't actually met) but he has a couple issues of his self-produced comics, Costumed Crimefighter Comics, available at Don's Atomic Comics which is where I picked them up... and which I found myself enjoying thoroughly!
It's a superhero parody and it's pretty freaking funny!

So, really, I have to get off my fat, whiney ass, if I want to make the transition from whiney-assed wannabe and mere patron of the local arts to actual comic book producing peer/colleague, etc.

I think I'm also going to start ANOTHER blog!
Actually, what I want to do is this: I seem to have a blog for various particular interests of mine: movies/movie-making, comics/art/comic book making, writing, etc.
But the journals/blogs that I have devoted to comics, etc., seem to be really accessible only to members of those same sites, namely Myspace or Deviant Art. But I'd like my posts to be more accessible, like if you google them, for instance, so I'm going to branch out to Blogger for my comics posts. I'm not going to delete or stop the other blogs I have going at the previous sites, I'll be just expanding the places where I do post my comic book musings-- which is something I sort of did already.
I started first with Myspace, then, when I joined DA, it seemed I was more comfortable blogging there because the whole site is more arts focused, but my plan was to still post at Myspace as well, because it existed... so, I thought I'd be just reaching other possible readers who weren't on DA as well. So, I just more or less duplicated the posts, you know?
But, I think going to Blogger will make it more search engine friendly, so to speak.
And, if I ever follow through on maintaining my own website and trying to develop a following of sorts for my own comics, etc., I think that's a necessary move.

I should go.
I have to continue cleaning my room so I can actually have a place TO draw.
Hey, maybe I should have a poll!

Who thinks I will ever actually produce my own comic book?
I have no idea how to do one of those damn poll things-- maybe if I figure it out, I'll amend this post later.
But for now, here's your choice of answers:

1. "Never-- you're all talk but nothing more than that. But, that's okay. You mean well, and you DO support other people who actually DO produce."

2. "Yes! I think you'll do it! And before the end of 2009!"

3. "I'll believe it when I see it, bub! But DEFINITELY not BEFORE 2010!"

4. "Not only do I think you'll produce a comic book, I think it will be by __________." (For those those psychics and, perhaps, bettors, out there)

So there.
Instant lamest poll ever!

Anyone who responds to this poll will receive a free copy of this comic book-to-be! If you said never and are right... uh... well, thanks for particpating!
If my first comic book does NOT have a Jheena the Jungle Fury story in it, then you will also receive the first comic book that does include her.
I mention that because Jheena seems like the most mainstream character I've come up with so far, so it seems cool to give out Jheena comics. But, it's quite possible that the first comic I "crank out" will be a weird one-shot story thing, either in the horror genre or the, uh, weirdness genre.
But if I DO finally publish something, then, crap! Chances are very good I'll actually make a Jungle Fury book!
So... there!

ANYONE who participates in the poll gets a free comic book (or two, as I said, depending on what I publish first) and this offer ends as soon as I publish this book. In other words, when I actually make this comic book, this offer ends.

Uh... so I'll get on that right now!

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